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Lichen community growing on a pinecone. Image © Sofia Arez

Our Community

Spinn is growing an ecosystem of people who care about the ways we imagine, build, use and manage spaces. The knowledge we source and share is our currency. We offer several activities that encourage our members to learn, contribute, collaborate, and help build the living spaces of tomorrow.

A N N U A L   O U T L O O K
Report on future opportunities and challenges, with global implications identification. Enriched with current and specific understanding of the experiences of space for the themes addressed.

O N E - T O - O N E   S E S S I O N S
Prospective and innovative strategic dialogues with organizations’ leaders. Tutoring sessions to support the interpretation of the annual outlook, highlighting direct relationships with the organization and the business.

Annual gathering which celebrates, over 3 days, our community and spatial innovation. It involves conversations, interviews, debates, art, immersive experiences, music, movement and masterclasses, with live and online participants, speakers and performers who work on the future and the transformation of spaces.

F U T U R E   D E E P   D I V E S
Participatory sessions on the forces of change that are predictably and unpredictably shaping the future(s) of spaces. Held three times a year, they co-create priorities and implications for each participant's business sector.

V I S I O N A R Y   D I A L O G U E S
Dialogues with members and partners, centered on our nine thematic intervention areas. They are attended by visionaries from the fields of art, science and business. These monthly meetups create an informal space for finding and sharing solutions.

E X P L O R A T O R Y   P O P - U P S
Short-term activation spaces that seize emerging opportunities, promoting immersive experiences. Moments of wonder and delight, trying out solutions, products or sheer joy.

© Spinn 2025

+351 913 935 081